Professional Development
Helping Young Professionals Engage in Corridor Nine is a Chamber program targeted for young professionals from 21-40 years old. The HYPE9 program offers young professionals the opportunity to network and exchange ideas, grow professionally, participate in community service, and help develop the next generation of leaders for your business and communities.
Our mission is to help our members succeed. Corridor Nine provides free educational workshops to help members and their employees foster increased productivity and higher levels of success. Led by our member experts, the Success Xpress Workshops are an invaluable resource on important topics such as technology, finance, leadership, social media, business development, sales, marketing, legal, human resources, and emerging trends.
Forward Females
Business Forward Females (BFF) is a networking forum for women. BFF provides monthly luncheons with dynamic speakers, engaging dialogue, and networking opportunities that will educate, inspire, and empower women from all levels of professional backgrounds.