House of Representatives

House of Representatives

Name Party Room #  Phone # Email Address C9/495 Towns
Kate Donaghue D B1 (617) 722-2000 X7311 Precincts 1, 2, and 3, of  the town of Northborough, the town of Southborough, Precincts 1, 2, 3, 5, and 6, of the town of Westborough
Hannah E. Kane R 167 (617) 722-2810 Westborough Precincts 4;  Shrewsbury
David K. Muradian, Jr. R 156 (617) 722-2240 Grafton
Meghan Kilcoyne D 443 (617) 722-2460 Northborough Precinct 4

Any questions or concerns on public policy issues or legislative bills, contact your local representative.